Help ACC develop the information campaign for Children’s Worker Safety Checks
An opportunity to have input with ACC
There is an exciting opportunity for 2-3 Māori Physiotherapists, with relevant experience and background to the below kaupapa, to have input with ACC in their next phase of developing an information campaign around Children’s Worker Safety Checks (CWSC). There is an initial commitment to a 2 hour hui (Online) with the coordinating team and then ongoing communications after this, as the campaign develops.
If you fit the criteria in the below pānui and are eager to be part of the korero, then please email your expression of interest to by Sunday 5th of March.
Additionally, if you have any pātai regarding this panui please feel free to contact
An opportunity for 2-3 Māori Physiotherapists, with relevant experience and background to the below kaupapa, to have input with ACC on CWSC