Tae Ora Tinana
The Rōpū dedicated to empowering Te Ao Māori in Physiotherapy
Our Vision
Physiotherapy is a united, Culturally Safe Health Sector Leading Outcomes for Māori and Tauiwi
Our Purpose
Whakapiki ake te Mātauranga Māori
Fostering the integration of Mātauranga Māori across Physiotherapy Practice
Our Mission
To Empower and unite the Physiotherapy sector by embedding Mātauranga Māori into practice, fostering cultural safety and enhancing outcomes for both Māori and Tauiwi.
Our Values
Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai
Nurture the seed and it will grow
Titiro Whakamuri, Kōkiri whakamua
Look back and reflect so we can move forward
We are positioned to always acknowledge the history and lessons of the past to assist us in moving forward
We are dedicated to continuing the fostering the growth of Mātauranga Māori, Māori Leadership and Māori Cultural Safety in Physiotherapy
Nāku te rourou, Nāu te rourou, Ka ora ai te iwi
With my basket and your basket, the people will thrive
We continue to explore, create and strengthen relationships with other rōpū for the wellbeing of Māori and Tauiwi.
Recent Mahi -
Recent Mahi -
Te Tiriti O Waitangi Korero with the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand (PBNZ)
These videos show Witana Petley (Tumuaki of Tae Ora Tinana) and Maarama Davis (Principal Professional Advisor Māori of PBNZ). Discussing Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a topic and as it relates to working as physiotherapists.
For more information relating to these videos, follow the link https://physioboard.org.nz/standards/physiotherapy-standards/cultural-competence-standard