What is the Māori Physiotherapy Roopu doing?
What is Tae Ora Tinana focussing on at the moment?
Are you wondering what is the priority for Tae Ora Tinana, and how you can see what the roopu is acting on for 2023 and beyond?
Over this strategic hui weekend at the end of 2022, the kaitiaki met in Te Whanganui a tāra to stocktake on what ground we have made in the last three years, and how we are guiding our next steps. We took time to reflect on requests and offers that Tae Ora Tinana members made in our two online whanaungatanga hui within the last year.
This blog is a compilation of reflections from the kaitiaki having this time for whanaungatanga and strategic planning.
Reflections from our kaitiaki
Coming together kanohi ki te kanohi meant that we had well-missed time for whanaungatanga and kai. An important aspect of our hui was acknowledgement of our tumuaki Emma Webb in her transition to supporting ToT from afar, as well as congratulate Witana for moving into the tumuaki role
Out of this full day hui, we created ten guiding actions to focus on (which we will share on our socials over this year as we complete them), utilising our key values:
Tuāpapa, Oranga, Whanaungatanga, Mana motuhake, Manaakitanga, with an overarching theme of Te Taiāo guiding us. Below is an explanation of the Tae Ora Tinana values:
Tuāpapa: Having a firm foundation grounded in mātauranga Māori
Mana motuhake: In control of what we do for ourselves
Oranga: Thriving and sustianabile systems and outcomes (ngā hua)
Whanaungatanga: Holding on to one another and our relationship
Manaakitanga: Support and care for all
Te Taiāo: Being connected to our natural environment for our wellbeing
In conclusion, this is a brief overview of the behind the scenes mahi of the Tae Ora Tinana kaitiaki. If you are looking to hear more about what we are upto, follow us on instagram and attend our first webinar for the year in March 2023 (regular wānanga are a key focus for us)!