What are the specific roles within Tae Ora Tinana?


Are you looking for ways you could tautoko Tae Ora Tinana?

In June the kaitiaki came together to reflect on the previous six months and to strategically plan for the future. A key focus of the hui was to flesh out clear roles for the kaitiaki in honour of their specific skills.

For each of the roles, there is a lead kaitiaki and a kaitiaki to tautoko them, to ensure there is sufficient support and interweaving of capacities within the range of roopu roles. The key roles are as follows:

The tumuaki has a key role for guiding our waka, delegating tasks within the roopu and checking our kaitiaki are all managing their load. This involves multiple hui with our key stakeholders, responding to external requests and queries, representing the roopu on panels, joining conference committees to represent the roopu (ie PNZ 2024 scientific committee)

The relationship lead has recently been established as our roopu extends our reach within our profession and the health system. This role is important as it involves maintaining and strengthening our relationships with other organisations. The relationship lead will have direct contact with our four physiotherapy schools, attend graduations, be the link with tauira at the schools, and organising regional hui. 

The marketing lead is in charge of communicating what we are up to, what kaupapa we want to advocate for, and what support is available to our Māori physiotherapists in the profession. Aspects of this include creating social media templates, loading with the PNZ staff for marketing and administration, writing Physio matters articles, and sharing content with our wider roopu to communicate opportunities, issues, events and all of our happenings effectively online. 

The event lead organises roopu events such as webinars and in-person wānanga. This involves behind the scene noho marae planning, organising kaitiaki professional development, and organising strategic wānanga to ensure kaitiaki are acting in line with the  Tae Ora Tinana vision: strengthening the Māori identity in the physiotherapy profession and increasing cultural safety. 

The secretary's role is to collect, sort and manage any information/data involving the roopu. This includes data collection, fundraising applications, management of the Google drive, and coordinating submissions.

The financial lead manages all things money. Tasks for the financial lead will include formulating the budget and business plan annually and ensuring we track against it and monitor our actions accordingly. 

We are on the look out for new kaitiaki, if you are looking for experience in these tasks please reach out. 


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